
Pang, Rich, and Stefano Recanatesi. “A non-Hebbian code for episodic memory.” bioRxiv (2024). (link)

Pang, Rich, Christa Baker, Mala Murthy, Jonathan Pillow. “Inferring neural dynamics of memory during naturalistic social communication.” bioRxiv (2024). (link)

Roemschied, Frederic A., Diego A. Pacheco, Elise Ireland, Xinping Li, Max J. Aragon, Rich Pang, Mala Murthy. “Flexible Circuit Mechanisms for Context-Dependent Song Sequencing.” Nature (2023). (link)

Baker, Christa, Clair McKellar, Rich Pang, Aljoscha Nern, Sven Dorkenwald, Diego A. Pacheco, Nils Eckstein, Jan Funke, Barry J. Dickson, Mala Murthy. “Neural network organization for courtship-song feature detection in Drosophila.” Current Biology (2022). (link)

Pang, Rich, Alison Duffy, David Bell, Zsofia E Torok, Adrienne L Fairhall. “Precision motor timing via scalar input fluctuations.” bioRxiv (2022). (link)

Pang, Rich, and Stefano Recanatesi. “Path vectors: a neural code for sequential memory.” bioRxiv (2021). (link)

Zolin, Aryeh, Raphael Cohn, Rich Pang, Andrew F Siliciano, Adrienne L Fairhall, and Vanessa Ruta. “Context-dependent representations of movement in Drosophila dopaminergic reinforcement pathways.” Nature Neuroscience (2021): 1-12. (link)

Pang, Rich. “A crossover code for high-dimensional composition.” NeurIPS 2019: Workshop on Context and Compositionality in Biological and Artificial Neural Systems. (link)

Pang, Rich, and Adrienne L. Fairhall. “Fast and Flexible Sequence Induction In Spiking Neural Networks Via Rapid Excitability Changes.” eLife 8 (2019): e44324. (link)

Pang, Rich, Floris van Breugel, Michael Dickinson, Jeff Riffell, and Adrienne L Fairhall . “History dependence in insect flight decisions during odor tracking.” PLoS Computational Biology 14.2 (2018): e100596. (link)

*Henriksen, Sid, *Rich Pang, and *Mark Wronkiewicz. “A simple generative model of the mouse mesoscale connectome.” eLife 5 (2016): e12366. *equal contribution (link)

Pang, Rich, Benjamin J. Lansdell, and Adrienne L Fairhall. “Dimensionality reduction in neuroscience.” Current Biology 26.14 (2016): R656-R660. (link, pdf)

Pang, Rich, and Adrienne L. Fairhall. “Let Music Sound while She Doth Make Her Choice.” Neuron 87.6 (2015): 1126-1128. (link, pdf)

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